Electric Vehicle Chargers

Smart Electric Vehicle (EV) chargers represent a significant leap forward in the world of electric vehicle technology.

Smart EV chargers are advanced electric vehicle charging stations that can communicate with the grid and adjust their charging speed and timing based on the availability and price of electricity. Smart EV chargers can help EV owners save money by charging their cars when electricity prices are low or with excess solar generation from their solar systems.

Electric Vehicle Charging products

See the product specifications for some of the smart EV chargers we work with. If you have another product in mind, let us know. We’re always open to other high quality smart home products.

Benefits of electric vehicle chargers

Smart EV chargers represent a significant leap forward in the world of electric vehicle (EV) technology. Unlike traditional charging stations, these advanced devices are equipped with intelligent features that not only make charging more convenient but also contribute to energy efficiency and cost savings.

Smart Grid Communication: Smart EV chargers are designed to communicate with the electrical grid. This means they can receive real-time data about electricity demand and pricing. By leveraging this information, these chargers can adjust their charging speed and timing dynamically. This capability allows EV owners to take advantage of periods when electricity is abundant and less expensive, optimising your smart home usage.

Integration with Solar Systems: Smart EV chargers can be seamlessly integrated with solar power systems. This integration allows EV owners to charge their vehicles using excess solar energy generated by their solar panels. By harnessing clean, renewable energy to power their EVs, owners reduce their reliance on the grid and lower their carbon footprint, contributing significantly to environmental sustainability.

Cost Savings and Environmental Benefits: By charging their vehicles during off-peak hours or with excess solar generation, EV owners can enjoy substantial cost savings on their electricity bills. Additionally, reducing the demand for electricity during peak periods helps stabilize the grid, leading to a more reliable energy supply. This reduction in energy demand also translates into reduced greenhouse gas emissions, aligning with global efforts to combat climate change.

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